Track budget and give value to your project
Budget management under control
Managing a project can be really tough, especially if you're feeling the pressure to deliver on time and under budget.
Pressure can lead to mistakes, which can then cause delays and added costs. This is why so many projects end up going over budget and behind schedule.
FoxPlan is the solution to your project management problems. With our easy-to-use tools and templates, you'll be able to plan, track, and manage your project with ease. Plus, our team of experts are always available to help you out if you get stuck.
A complete structured budget per month
A clear and multi-year vision
In order to manage your annual plan you can define an annual project budget or a multi-year budget. You can pilot the forecast of your project which is up to date and accomodates itself to the various changes made during the creation process of your agile or traditional project. You can anticipate possible budget drift on a portfolio scale, you can take action in advance. Allocate strategic project budget to increase the return on investment on a portfolio level.
A budget management integrated to the plannification of your resources
Plannification and the allocation of resources can be integrated within the budget tracker. You can manage your costs or your resource revenu and re-invoce activities performed. Make the most of the man days of your resources.
Analyze the budget of your projects just like in XLS
Analyze your budget on a portfolio level can be integrated thanks to a pivot table in direct relation with the budget. You can benefit of a wider flexibility to devide and structure your budget as you want.
All types of projects
Manage all types of projects, whether it is:
• 3-year strategic projects
• programs grouping together several projects
• 6-month projects
• recurring operation projects (maintenance type)
Assign each task to resources. Visualize the planning and the resource load on a single graph and anticipate bottlenecks associated with the availability of resources
Multi-year budget tracker
Manage your projects throught multiple years and give a new multi-year vision of your commitment.
Intégration ERP
You can interface your budget with your ERP which pilots the accounting and the management control of your company.
Multiple version of budget
Create and follow multiple budget revision depending on budget cycles of your company.e.
Budget vs forecast
Measure the differences between your budget and your landing forecast of your project.
Valued your resources.
Depending on your activity, your daily rate of your resources can either be valued, in cost, in revenu or both.
Costs, revenues, margin and ROI.
Document your costs but also your revenu and margin will enable you to manage your project with a ROI.
Cut off date
Structure your budget by month in order to have closed-up month of your budget to have a better grip on the management.
Structure your budget, in order to manage your investment, and associated costs linked to innovation (CII or CIR).
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