Webinar “How the hybrid mode revolutionizes project management?” on March 18th , 2021 at 2p.m.
The key to accomplish and manage a project is to have a good organisation.
To do so, multiple companies uses various “project management” software. Especially during this pandemic crisis in which remote work took a special place, FoxPlan offers you adapted solutions combining traditional, agile and collaborative tools which will be presented to you in a webinar entitled “How is the hybrid mode revolutionizing project management” taking place on March 18th , 2021 at 2pm. FoxPlan has invested time in order to acknowledge what customers expect from a complete project management software. For this reason, FoxPlan is switching to the “hybrid mode” by working on a new version of its software which will be simple and adapted to an agile and traditional management within the same portfolio.
FoxPlan offers you solutions in order to manage your projects by the easiest means possible and efficiently.
This webinar will present multiple solutions that FoxPlan has been putting together with more details about the hybrid mode. These solutions incorporates many methods which all have various characteristics. These methods focuses mainly on tools that adapt themselves to your business. Indeed, each company has different needs and organisation depending on the type of project they are dealing with. In this new version, our company has combined short term management and long term management, while at the same time adjusting itself to your budget, your resources, the potential risks that may occur during the process and a road map allowing you to be as much organise as possible. Collaborative tools are at your disposal to help you distribute your tasks. Agile tools are here to help you define your objectives thanks to the scrum method and the kanban method. Our company offers you a complete portfolio which enables you to bring together all your actors in a unique environment, and to create dependencies between your projects in order to have an overview of your situation. FoxPlan is a multifunctional software which privileges simplicity.
A portfolio gathering agile and traditional tools.
In order to optimise your project management organisation, FoxPlan turned to a new management style entitled “hybrid mode”. This mode enables the management of different types of projects which overcomes agile and predictive tools. The aim of this mode is to find the best solutions to a vast majority of projects on the market. This mode covers the method to follow in order to succeed when faced to a difficult project, to deal with numerous customers, the management correspond to the objectives of the company. Discover how this hybrid mode is a new solution that goes beyond the traditional management during our webinar on March 18th ,2021 at 2pm.
Register for the webinar now!