What is a portfolio #
A portfolio of projects is a comprehensive overview of all the projects a company or organization is working on. It usually includes information such as project objectives, scope, budget and timeline for each project. This way, an organization can get an overall picture of which projects are underway and how much effort has been allocated to them. Additionally, this type of overview gives the management team insight into which projects are most important and need to be prioritized. Project portfolio management (PPM) tools are available to help organizations manage their portfolios of projects more effectively. These tools provide insights into resource utilization, project costs, timelines and other factors related to project success. Project portfolio management also helps stakeholders make better decisions.
Create a new portfolio #
To access portfolio management, go to the “Portfolio” menu and click on “new portfolio”.
Enter the name of the portfolio and save it.
In the “Members” tab you can share this portfolio with others.
In the “Projects” tab you will be able to select the projects that will fit into the portfolio.
Using the “Dynamic” checkbox you have the possibility of choosing a static or dynamic project portfolio.
Dynamic portfolio #
For dynamic project portfolios, you will define filters that will allow you to define the scope of the project portfolio. All new projects meeting the filter criteria will be automatically added to the portfolio without having to add them manually.
Static portfolio #
In the context of a static portfolio, it is a little different, it will be necessary to explicitly indicate the projects which must be integrated into the portfolio. Any new projects created that you want to add to the project portfolio will have to be added manually.
Your portfolio is ready #
“Save” your portfolio, it is now ready to use. You can go the different views. For instance, the “Planning” view will display a synthetic view of all projects available in the portfolio.