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FoxPlan administration

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Adding and deleting users or a generic resource #

Overview #

Users can be created and deleted at several levels in the FoxPlan application. This can be done at the level of managing the members of a project, a project portfolio, a resource portfolio or at the level of application administration.

In this section, we will describe how to update from the application administration.

To do this, go to the “Settings > Workspace” menu.

In the “Member” tab

User or generic resource #

A resource in the application can be represented in two ways: a user (with its associated resource) or a generic resource (representing one or more resources).

User #

For a standard physical resource, you will use a user. In this case, it is the resource that will connect to the application to view the work to be carried out, and it is also the resource that will monitor progress on the tasks and close them if necessary.

Generic resource #

If you want to control a service provider, a resource pool (several resources without detailing their allocations) or a machine for which you manage the assignments, you will use a generic resource. The generic resource will be managed by the project manager, who will enter progress information instead of the generic resource.

Adding a user or a generic resource #

To add a user, simply fill in the following fields on the screen:

Email (user key)
First name
Last name

Then click on ‘Add member’.

The resource has now been created and can be used in various projects.

For a generic resource, it’s the same thing except that you need to tick the ‘Generic’ box, in which case the email address is not required.

Once added, a generic resource has a ‘G’ to the right of the resource name, which is how it can be recognized.

Open the user file #

To change a user’s description or enter attributes, simply click on the icon to the right of the member’s name.

This will open the user or generic resource file.

Deleting or deactivating a user #

A user or generic resource can be deleted if it has no assignments and no achievements. To delete a user, simply open the user file as described in the previous paragraph and click on the small dustbin at the bottom right of the file.

However, if the user is already present on projects as a resource, you will not be able to delete it. In this case, you can convert the user to a generic resource in order to release a user licence. To do this, open the file and select the ‘Generic’ attribute. The user then becomes a generic resource and the licence is released.

Capture d’écran 2024-02-07 à 16.44.09.png


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